Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where do we stand?

This time I felt may be there is really need to touch different kind of writing, not for any one but for all of us to think where we are heading towards.

From last few months, there has been a upward trend towards violence, hatred, blasts occurring, students not allowed to appear for exam just because they belong to particular place, that too in India and recent one of Raj Thackeray getting arrested which propelled more fuel for people, who have completely lost their mind, to make a common man feel to be in complete hell.

I think most of the people who have bit of educational background do feel that politics is last thing to expect anything good for us, for our city or for our nation or at least for humanity.

There has been trend of educated people getting involved with terror activities, late on. Have there been a single thought put behind it why this trend is on rise, how serious it can become if we don't get our basics right.

If we consider single example of a student in a educational institute, is real knowledge being imparted to him, schools are rocketing their fees sky high, makes student differentiate between each other on basis of economic status, how do we expect this students to ever understand the correct meaning of education. On one side it makes a group of people having all comforts to make others feel low, well on other hand it is generating strata of frustrated individuals who strive hard to clear all hurdles at educational level, but when they are exposed to real world, many are falling on lure of money for masterminding atrocities like blasts.

If we consider religions, Christians were targeted recently, may any one can explain how do we impress god by killing people from other religion, what level of politics it involves, it is more complicated then most computer algorithms.

Coming Mumbai issue, does any one even know who are real inhabitants of Mumbai, it would be interesting if we trace that out using genetic tests, something for which even few others can earn money.

In this time where global recession is making many people to end their lives, it is more important to make basics of economy strong, like China, our strength lies in agriculture, also in generating most innovative technologies, if there is effort put by government to keep best minds in country, there is loads of money spent on biotechnological techniques of improving crop yield, but is there anything done to stop amount of wastage which occurs at every stage, that is where real test lies or real biotechnology stands.

This people say, they want to design Mumbai to world class city, do they even realize just for their politics, for their interests they are simply making mess of Mumbai, where without infrastructure, there are housing projects jumping up every day, without electricity for common man, for industrial areas, new malls still coming up, a simple thing like race course which brings some oxygen in city to be next target for development, by making false fire situations repeatedly.

It's not about single person, not about single political party, not about single family, single educational institute, not about one religion, but it is point for everyone of us, are we taking steps towards future really, is young man thinking to make small change or small difference to it, by starting from owns self , or just to crib about the situation., will this make us end to disasters happening every now and then, making mankind to stand a point to finish themselves very easily not by global warming, or such issues, but just by few people's mentality, where we are finishing ourselves mentally and we won't be able to stand in front of mirror coz only one left to put blame on will be we ourselves.

If any proof required of how stress levels are increasing, can be provided by real time research, like pattern of it increasing, with factors involved in it, so last but not the least but do start speaking, really change needed..where and how...well decide it's for us to do it

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