Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Emotions undefined

I am writing this post in mid of a major transformation happening in my outlook towards life.

Currently I have involved myself with training with being fortunate of carrying out in one of choice, with field of studying being cancer, analyzing it through genetic abnormalities. I have my hands full as, I had always wished to become a doctor & completing it through KEM hospital, Mumbai, so in a way i am into my dream some way or other.

This phase is becoming part of life with a promise to live me rich with a memorable experience.
In a way i am extremely happy on a part of getting such a opportunity, on the other hand, as there always 2 sides to any aspect, it puts me in emotional turn moil to watch so many people suffering from only a single type of cancer, with specially small kids, who even haven't yet experienced life, have been subjected to such dilemma. The number of cases being uncovered for this particular cancer are getting more in number with each single day, owing to huge amount of illiteracy, ignorance and also to newer analysis techniques being designed. There is no definite solution to it except for trial & error therapies. Although the research is on accelerated path, yet sometimes we become helpless to mysteries which almighty puts up through one way or other.

Just few days back had been to one of my favourite place of hanging out, which is nariman point with few of my friends. Life is so sweet that, every time I visit this place it allows me to view same place with different outlook & view getting beautified with every visit. This time I was watching same sun, which gives same sunset everyday for us to enjoy, there was time, when brightness of this great star got extremely dull, getting covered with clouds, although it provided much needed relief for everyone of us from heat, it was on verge of building story in my mind. As time passed few rays of sunlight broke the dark silence and made that scene worth pictured in my mind forever. Within few minutes sun was it's usual back of enlightening entire sky with it's mesmerising rays. Our footsteps only moved when it was complete sunset, but it left with me gasping for more of it, along with a thought that so many things try to cover light, yet it makes it's path through it's power to become path for us to follow, not only in terms of daily movements but through our way of living life. It always leaves with message that no matter what obstacle we are put to tackle with there has to be some way to move ahead of it with with a better sense of approach towards life & making it more than worth.

With this two phases of my post, i would just like end on a note that I wish, there might be some day when light of some treatment would definitely overcome darkness of the cancer I am analyzing. I consider myself extremely lucky to attach myself with such a research topic, hope that I would help in making small difference one way or other in making this research more profitable for human welfare.


Unknown said...

nice post. keep up the good work!(here and with the project)

Anand Jage said...

My sincere Prayers.. Your Post.. the emotional drive behind it,yes it means everything to me.. Im sure you and K.C. freinds will come up with some breakthroughs..
Please be with the feeling... and faith..