Saturday, November 10, 2007

Forward U move, or U move backwards,
U have to move,
U can't stay there, U can't be here,

U came into being, but again U move,
U try to grow, U move ahead,
U find Ur emotions but again U move ahead,
U lose Ur emotions, still U move ahead,
U become mature, again U move ahead,

U reach a point, where U want to remain,
Where U want to stand,
Where U want Ur presence felt, but
U still have to move ahead,
either for Ur self or for others, but
U move ahead &
If U try to be there, it becomes an obstacle,
may be for U, may be for others,

Better U move ahead,
If U have a head, which U don't want to be dead,

It's the way U move ahead,
the path U follow,
the people U choose to be with while moving ahead,

Move ahead with a head on U, to head U to be ahead


Anonymous said...

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Tushar Mangl said...

Hey man, nice post
give it a suitable title
will look more apealing

J(Z)ubin said...

thank u so much...hope will be able to write better...thanks for ur inspiration....