Friday, June 8, 2007


I am I & U r U, I like being I & I wish U remain U...coz I can never be U nd U can never be I remain I & U remain U but without forcing others to be U....

As such this post is for describing myself ut does it really matters...coz people who know me from birth still dnt knw me much nd as such even i was unaware of wht I knw about me but ther's time in every1's life when such incidents do happen nd u do get in to know wht u really are....hey dnt consider on gender front...tht evry1 knws wht they r from birth or atleast after reaching smewher near adolescence...hehehe

Let me try out...about hw much I know about me...dnt wry I wnt fekofy...but I amm simple yet sober...born through normal reproduction process..nd I amm normal human being, atleast I think so...I amm mostly in silent zone of coneversations tht's from mine childhood days but I do speak out before few people coz have to...but I like using means other thn verbal conversation or through mouth ...I attach more importance to silent conversations wher ppl can understand each other without much noise(as such noise pollution is on rise so I have a reason to do so...hehehe)...I love to be within group of ppl whtever be it family or friends but both should help u provide u ur individuality tht's important...i love attention but tht's childish part of me..I think it's always good to have ur share of thoughts but it's rather more important to have control over them...I always wish ppl to behave in certain way depending upon situation but tht's from mine point of's fair to let ur emotions out...coz u have nly 1 life to njy it to its limits...compromise forms mine partner in mny things...although its said tht ppl who compromise can never take their decisions but it's better to be flexible atleast when we live in a society...I do lie some time but it's nly for not hurting others & myself..without compromising on former of 2...i love eating...coz it helps u to break down it nly if u have can burn out calories on other front..I have genes for both being a Leo cum cancerian as my birthdate lies on border front of this 2 sun signs,but love to be in leo zone with heart of an cancerian............kkk ....I think I had a decent start...remain updated, I amm still in mine research stage on me nd mny more ther will be loads of things to come...


kanishq said...

hey jubs...nice start with the stories in ur will b fun to know the silent one to write once a while...keep goin....

J(Z)ubin said...

ya thanks re...have mny things to rite upon....surely will have a grt time in reading without ny tinge of boredom...