Sunday, May 18, 2008

Silent talk

Most of my posts have been window of emotions or happenings of my life or life I have been surrounded with, it's always nice to pen down things which are difficult to express or are best suited to remain silently on paper or in form of writing..

I have been working with cancer, as i revealed it in my previous post. It involves karyotyping, a technique of studying chromosomes at metaphase stage of cell division, mainly helps in determining any chromosomal abnormalities, which in turn gives idea about any significance it is associated with. In a way it is quite interesting to deal with such study, however can get stressful at times, as it does involves observing under microscope for a pretty long stretch of time.

As it has been initial of my working so have to practice identification of each chromosome at regular intervals, so can make it bit boring. As I have continued with this practise every day, there's something which i could sense with every next observation. Once it was almost time to leave & having a normal tendency of leaving from work as early as possible so it made me to think of avoiding my schedule & skip my practice for that day, also it was time which was filled with loads of emotions which were running through me at that particular time, fortunately it was my guide, a person who is good enough to propel me to give extra bit of hardship for current situation for more easier & comfortable future with respect to my project, who directed me to finish my work before making my way to home.

It was usual observation under microscope of a slide, which had stained preparation of chromosomes, fixed at metaphase stage. I can truly recollect initial few moments which were like years for me, as it was against my wish, as time went by & I started making note of each chromosome there was unusual sense which was clicking in my mind, a unusual sound being fumbled in my ears, it was complete madness for few of those moments with no one near me still being able to hear something, which sounded so friendly, forcing me to desire for more of it. I was in utter confusion but was liking every bit of it.

The words which I could hear were like, " It is pretty common that many of them with high end knowledge bearing people observe us, identify us, make great interpretations, give breath taking conclusions, however few of them have made a small difference to their own life. It can be amazing for imagination that we can occupy such a small part of entire body formation, if seen in normal person's outlook, but control every aspect of life, we stand for life, we are just few in numbers yet make a difference with slight change in number or even with variation in each of us.
We vary among us with each standing for it's own purpose. It has a role to play, which is related to maintaining homeostasis, so if we can be so important & if each life form has so many of us in number if considered in terms of entire body or each cell, it's really simple to apply logic that how much importance a entire living organism can bear, how much capability does one possess, though different people or life forms vary, it's important to bring some kind of relation among each other to allow survival of everyone in this beautiful creation. There's no reason to consider one's own self as unimportant, with same feeling should be harboured for others. If we have so much being gifted by nature, it's more important to put it for purpose, which if realized would certainly change outlook towards life, not with respect to only one person but everyone bypassing or coming in contact. If we as small entity can make so much difference to life, the level of amplification at human level can be so enormous, so many people can be blessed even if single person stands to put this things in practice, not only in respect to one's own life, but with a view of giving that extra bit in everything which we can try for...."

I really can't have my say in it, neither I can draw much of conclusion except that though after reading this post any one would suggest me to consult a good doctor, I can definitely say that whatever time I had given for this amazing experience would remain time for me to cherish & definitely make a difference in my outlook. It was a silent talk which made a very loud impact on my life.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Emotions undefined

I am writing this post in mid of a major transformation happening in my outlook towards life.

Currently I have involved myself with training with being fortunate of carrying out in one of choice, with field of studying being cancer, analyzing it through genetic abnormalities. I have my hands full as, I had always wished to become a doctor & completing it through KEM hospital, Mumbai, so in a way i am into my dream some way or other.

This phase is becoming part of life with a promise to live me rich with a memorable experience.
In a way i am extremely happy on a part of getting such a opportunity, on the other hand, as there always 2 sides to any aspect, it puts me in emotional turn moil to watch so many people suffering from only a single type of cancer, with specially small kids, who even haven't yet experienced life, have been subjected to such dilemma. The number of cases being uncovered for this particular cancer are getting more in number with each single day, owing to huge amount of illiteracy, ignorance and also to newer analysis techniques being designed. There is no definite solution to it except for trial & error therapies. Although the research is on accelerated path, yet sometimes we become helpless to mysteries which almighty puts up through one way or other.

Just few days back had been to one of my favourite place of hanging out, which is nariman point with few of my friends. Life is so sweet that, every time I visit this place it allows me to view same place with different outlook & view getting beautified with every visit. This time I was watching same sun, which gives same sunset everyday for us to enjoy, there was time, when brightness of this great star got extremely dull, getting covered with clouds, although it provided much needed relief for everyone of us from heat, it was on verge of building story in my mind. As time passed few rays of sunlight broke the dark silence and made that scene worth pictured in my mind forever. Within few minutes sun was it's usual back of enlightening entire sky with it's mesmerising rays. Our footsteps only moved when it was complete sunset, but it left with me gasping for more of it, along with a thought that so many things try to cover light, yet it makes it's path through it's power to become path for us to follow, not only in terms of daily movements but through our way of living life. It always leaves with message that no matter what obstacle we are put to tackle with there has to be some way to move ahead of it with with a better sense of approach towards life & making it more than worth.

With this two phases of my post, i would just like end on a note that I wish, there might be some day when light of some treatment would definitely overcome darkness of the cancer I am analyzing. I consider myself extremely lucky to attach myself with such a research topic, hope that I would help in making small difference one way or other in making this research more profitable for human welfare.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Don't cry coz it's over, smile coz it happened

It's been long , it's been high, it's been low, it's been bright, it's been in light, it's been might, it's been in sight, it's been in night, it's been a bite, it's been right, it's been reason to fight, it's been guide, it has been on height, it's been tight, it's been a vibe, it has also been kind, it has been reason to hide...that's how life has been...

I am writing this post in mid of summer with rainfall in my eyes,allowing it to get evaporated in heat of sun, it's not necessary to show ur emotions that is what I felt, if people really understood it, they must have valued it, life is extremely sweet, it makes u c , make u go through every emotion, makes u understand the rules to play games, with newer game & newer rules to learn with every single unit of time...

It says who are we to decide how things should be arranged, we are here to think about it, we are here to make things work, given to us by life, why can't we take life as it comes & make it easier to follow, why we always make our say & make efforts to go in directions which leaves us nowhere or if we choose to follow that path why can't we stand by ourselves , why can't we be determined to accept that everything we excpect can't be achieved, why do we lose our patience,
but these are things which are bound to every human, even people who we are inspired to follow or consider great have phases of life where everything seems blurred, it is courage to face them or walking towards fear have made them achieve, which others just dream of without making that dream into their action..

People generally want to have every pleasure, without putting or going through grind which makes a staircase to any happiness..or success, the other side of happiness...we search for things which could rise our level of certain hormones it so necessary that we can make ourselves happy only by few people or few things...why there can't be sense of genrosity or kindness from within...for one's own self...why do we be so tough for our own self...even it can get hurt, though the biggest healing power lies with in us... a true companion always stays somewhere around...

I always felt I had strongest of character who can hold himself in toughest of situations, wothout making others to sympathize for me, sometimes felt did I really judge myself well...from being so tough to have feeling of being a weak character who is jumbled up with reasons being few emotions, few people or few hormones...but atleast I ahve courage to walk beyond my fears...without allowing any thing to interfere with goals I have set....temproary turnmoils, hope not to make them come in my way...

Life is too short to stand at 1 point & do not allow other experiences to follow u, life needs u to gather whatever small or bigger gains u can...someday reasons for tears might become smile with tears, memories to cherish, it's not our duty to realize others what good or bad can we be to them, care or love for someone cannot be understood in realms of time nor it can be estimated by mere of a can just be realized by a sense which lies whith evryone of us...people who understood will value it, but who are we to force ourselves on is just a effort which wish sometimes makes u feel to have appreciation..liking someone should not be reason for disliking someone or one's ownself, there will always be wish that people who u made feel special, lived more for them then for own self should have been part of ur life the way u wish to...but everything we wish cannot be better to cherish whatever u get, take things what life offers u, be kind with ur own self, care for even people who never appreciated ur effort & just wish that whatever life has to offer will be reason for good, just go through emotions, move with the flow & there will always be some reason waiting to make u smile...