Friday, July 6, 2007

Really real

It took me almost a month to collect bits & pieces to come up with story which is real yet so filmy with additives like spice, chilly, sugar.. & all those ingredients which can make a real hit filmy dish(story).

Let me go into memory to pen down this experiences or life of a person whom I have known quite well yet have been very far to him.

So it goes back to memory lane & starts from a day when this 'XYZ'( Identity under wraps) person was born & very few people knew that this is going to be 1 of the most turning point in the history of that family, a family which was known amongst rich for it's tradition, blessed with philanthropist family members & with such a rich life.

As the kid, born in a small village as he grew up living with few other relatives & not his parents during his nurturing period, but as genes do work in more dominant form over surrounding environment he grew up living up to reputation of being most hard working person capable of doing any kind of work with relative ease but( A word which is always turning point of any situation) as genes of other people began to be expressed more actively, it's effect lead to few of the mutations in this person & it changed the whole future of the family.

Person got transformed into those people who take life, family for granted & not paying much attention to his own life with only motto being fun & gave few of the near 1's to put hold on every bit of riches he enjoyed, bringing down the whole family to pieces, still as god always sets everything, he sends an angel blessed with strong personality, a women who suffered every bit of tragedy but holding every bit of family helping them remain afloat in a storm that could have easily destroyed even the shadow of the family.

Person who dint even attend his fathers funeral, can only bring more shame to his name. His biggest fear of life is death, a part of god's way to maintain equilibrium in this beautiful world. He only tried to make his trouble look more serious & took help from near 1's in form of money but taking help was not an issue, it was the change in the mentality of that man to just take help by highlighting his problems & running away from his responsibility.

As he got married & with his children coming to this world, life became a mess with difficulties of handling pressure of nurturing children's,yet his better half was a angel fallen by mistake on this earth, came out with solution to make a way out of harshness of life & she becomes solely responsible to make their kids into people who have made name in different perspective of life.

It was not that he dint love his kids but, it was mistake of running away from responsibilities at times when he's near 1's needed him the most. He is in later stages of life where people generally feel to enjoy pleasures of life which they may have missed in their life time still it's a constant fear which he grips himself with to just stay at home with a condition that there should be some member always with him & being adamant of not adjusting to times & need of family has made him sort of person with whom people don't like to remain with, but he is a jovial person who has cared about his family in whatever small way he could & always had a fetish for food, the tradition of family being that no day should go without having a sweet. He needs 1 person to be with him whenever he goes somewhere out & it has been happening from last 50 years.

It is also not that his family doesn't loves him but it's their care which makes them angry over him but their not so near 1's think that it's just a way that these family members use to torture him.In last 50 years no doctor has been able to treat him for his obsessiveness for fear, no counsellor has been able to help him out...

There is no climax yet in this story, but wish this story doesn't shows more twists or Ekta kappor will sign me up for daily soaps....hehehehe....& it just finds a happy ending...

My last post was a blunder, mainly it wasn't posted in correct format but I had done it intentionally. Following this cover page of a real story, soon new post will comprise story of above person's progeny(son) remain updated & keep replying...