Saturday, November 10, 2007

Forward U move, or U move backwards,
U have to move,
U can't stay there, U can't be here,

U came into being, but again U move,
U try to grow, U move ahead,
U find Ur emotions but again U move ahead,
U lose Ur emotions, still U move ahead,
U become mature, again U move ahead,

U reach a point, where U want to remain,
Where U want to stand,
Where U want Ur presence felt, but
U still have to move ahead,
either for Ur self or for others, but
U move ahead &
If U try to be there, it becomes an obstacle,
may be for U, may be for others,

Better U move ahead,
If U have a head, which U don't want to be dead,

It's the way U move ahead,
the path U follow,
the people U choose to be with while moving ahead,

Move ahead with a head on U, to head U to be ahead

Mystery or Just Mysterious

Alone U feel, alone U stand,
Alone U want, alone U give,
Alone U enjoy, alone U fight,
Alone U can be, but
can U really be alone or
U can never be alone,

Sometimes U want to be alone ,
Sometime U just become alone, but
R U really alone,
It is feeling of being alone,
which makes u alone,


U have some one to be with U,
to make U feel how u want,
to make U understand urself,
to make U know, that
U are not not here to be there, but
have a reason, which sometimes U know,
still U are unaware,
which I know, still can't make U aware &
even if i make u aware, U still feel my absence.

U sometimes find me following U,
sometimes being ahead of U,
sometimes being with U,
sometimes away from U, but
U never realize & even others don't feel of me being with them.

I just can be with U,
anytime, anywhere, but
only being silent, without
having any existence, without
making u realise of being with U.

Sometimes U may sense, sometimes U may not,
Sometimes U may find me, sometimes I would be masked,
Sometimes I would be Ur force, sometimes may become Ur weakness,

It's just that I can't leave U neither U can leave me,
It's U who is my origin &
reason for my existence,


If U still think who I am,
It's Ur shawdow,
who was there, who is there & who will there for U...............

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thinking to think or thought for thinking to make it more thoughtful, is it necessary to have thought to be thoughtful or to keep thinking over something so as to be thoughtful, is it really that a thought makes u thoughtful or u think that u are mature to be more thoughtful then others, is it really that thoughtful to have an thought to make u think that u able to think thoughtfully...

How much this thought will make everyone thoughtful, I have no idea for that but then why should be I so thoughtful when it really doesn't makes sense to have so many thoughts for others & u still can't make them to think for u.

A single thought can make u, while u need many thoughts to break u, still we never realize importance of that one thought & have bigger worries over unnecessary things.

It is foolish to say that we should think only positively or have so called positive thoughts.
As per law of nature which says there should always be balance of whatever things or illusions present or being imagined. It really makes sense, if we look at the point of having an thought, if we emphasize so much only to have positive thoughts it implies we are making ourselves to have only brighter part of any of the things which we desire. although it is impossible & even nature doesn't permits to have only good things to happen in life, so that we can learn from whatever wrong happens to us or at least think about an solution over any negative thought we may have.

A thought is not bound by any limits whether to appear in any single individual or to echo the emotions of large number of people. Most of us who take time to think about what thoughts are running through us & try to analyze them, few of us try to find some interpretation for it, few of us become happy to have it, few others get lost in those thoughts, while most of think that we think what most people will never be able to catch up with, while few wise people try to find other people with similar emotions or thoughtful emotions.

Is it really that an few can think what others cannot, some think they can fool others by having an capability to think large with having thought over every single details of their thought. Does an person who knows reading & writing have more thoughts then a illiterate person, but in what sense do we label an person illiterate or immature, even without knowing that although educated person might have more thoughts to cheer for but is that he really can control them & put them to right use or is an beggar expert in that case, who although has nothing to cheer for, not sure about his future still has control over thoughts & has an hope to exist & survive, knowing the reason for which he has been sent.

How much thought then we can put up over an single thought then, no one can decide that range other then we itself, although we are social animals except that we say we have more level of intelligence, which is proved scientifically but have we ever thought that if try to be in the position of other animals & then look at what stage are humans more intelligence, we may get an different answer, thinking positively from that level it may seem that humans may appear biggest fool from that view, it may seem that although we have every thing we are still unhappy about some other thing or in simple terms unable to find our own self.

So what do we do then stop thinking or think more, think according to situation or think without any intention or just think without putting an thought to what we are thinking. Is there really any answer to it, may be it's there & that lies within us, although it sounds too much to say that we have thought for every thing which can be thought about, but really it seems true. It's just that we have one thought at one moment & others follow according to time frame or situation.
God has given such an power to distinguish between thoughts or an an situation just by an single thought.

A thought, what is it exactly, is it just an emotion or an companion which just changes when we need it to change, as we wish to change, some might do it 1 way & others in some different way.
So if we have so much power to bring about such an tremendous change still we tend to fall out on our own thoughts.

It's not that writing this down puts me out of thinking process or helps me to master the thought process but still an fair idea about an thought which is so nice to think upon thoughtfully.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Life, a word, so simple, yet so complex,

Life, a word worth living, yet not so true

Life, a word with a meaning, yet so meaningless,

Life word with 4 alphabets, yet can't live even with knowing all alphabets,

Life, a word which seems so complete, yet can never be completed,

Life, a word which gives joy, yet it gives so many sorrows, but.......

Life a word whatever it sounds, whatever it means, just comes once so
better make it worth living
so that once though it may be but
it would be worth many

Sunday, September 9, 2007

How do I make u understand

How do I make u understand ,
when u know, still u don't know,

How do I make u understand,
when u are aware, still u are ignorant,

How do I make u understand,
when u are literate, yet so illiterate,

How do I make u understand,
when u know u matter, still u remain apart,

How do I make u understand,
when u know, I care for u, still u remain careless,

How do I make u understand,
when u know everything, still u don't know anything,

How do I make u understand,
u know I live for u, still u are not living to live but u just live to be living,

How do I make u understand,
that even though u may understand
I am not able to understand,
it's me who should understand
better then making others understand...........

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What do I write about myself

What do I write about myself when I know so much about me, yet haven't been able to recognise myself, when I have lost myself among others & cudn trace myself,

What do I write about myself when I feel i am a drop in a sea,

What do i write about myself when I dunno how to be a part of crowd & carrying my individuality,

What do I rite about myself when I feel, I care for even devils on the earth but even angels cant find me in their way,

What do I write about myself when I dint expect from others but when people try to be near to me & then move away when I need them,

What do I rite about myself when I become extremely possessive about few people & I am never able to make them part of my life,

So if u feel I can write about myself then help me in knowing myself with a promise that u will be part of my life till God doesn't mind..

Friday, July 6, 2007

Really real

It took me almost a month to collect bits & pieces to come up with story which is real yet so filmy with additives like spice, chilly, sugar.. & all those ingredients which can make a real hit filmy dish(story).

Let me go into memory to pen down this experiences or life of a person whom I have known quite well yet have been very far to him.

So it goes back to memory lane & starts from a day when this 'XYZ'( Identity under wraps) person was born & very few people knew that this is going to be 1 of the most turning point in the history of that family, a family which was known amongst rich for it's tradition, blessed with philanthropist family members & with such a rich life.

As the kid, born in a small village as he grew up living with few other relatives & not his parents during his nurturing period, but as genes do work in more dominant form over surrounding environment he grew up living up to reputation of being most hard working person capable of doing any kind of work with relative ease but( A word which is always turning point of any situation) as genes of other people began to be expressed more actively, it's effect lead to few of the mutations in this person & it changed the whole future of the family.

Person got transformed into those people who take life, family for granted & not paying much attention to his own life with only motto being fun & gave few of the near 1's to put hold on every bit of riches he enjoyed, bringing down the whole family to pieces, still as god always sets everything, he sends an angel blessed with strong personality, a women who suffered every bit of tragedy but holding every bit of family helping them remain afloat in a storm that could have easily destroyed even the shadow of the family.

Person who dint even attend his fathers funeral, can only bring more shame to his name. His biggest fear of life is death, a part of god's way to maintain equilibrium in this beautiful world. He only tried to make his trouble look more serious & took help from near 1's in form of money but taking help was not an issue, it was the change in the mentality of that man to just take help by highlighting his problems & running away from his responsibility.

As he got married & with his children coming to this world, life became a mess with difficulties of handling pressure of nurturing children's,yet his better half was a angel fallen by mistake on this earth, came out with solution to make a way out of harshness of life & she becomes solely responsible to make their kids into people who have made name in different perspective of life.

It was not that he dint love his kids but, it was mistake of running away from responsibilities at times when he's near 1's needed him the most. He is in later stages of life where people generally feel to enjoy pleasures of life which they may have missed in their life time still it's a constant fear which he grips himself with to just stay at home with a condition that there should be some member always with him & being adamant of not adjusting to times & need of family has made him sort of person with whom people don't like to remain with, but he is a jovial person who has cared about his family in whatever small way he could & always had a fetish for food, the tradition of family being that no day should go without having a sweet. He needs 1 person to be with him whenever he goes somewhere out & it has been happening from last 50 years.

It is also not that his family doesn't loves him but it's their care which makes them angry over him but their not so near 1's think that it's just a way that these family members use to torture him.In last 50 years no doctor has been able to treat him for his obsessiveness for fear, no counsellor has been able to help him out...

There is no climax yet in this story, but wish this story doesn't shows more twists or Ekta kappor will sign me up for daily soaps....hehehehe....& it just finds a happy ending...

My last post was a blunder, mainly it wasn't posted in correct format but I had done it intentionally. Following this cover page of a real story, soon new post will comprise story of above person's progeny(son) remain updated & keep replying...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Me part -2

I amm riting this down after so many days so just think it takes how much time even to think about 1's own self, but I think we can do in parts, similar to post graduate course i wish to do which is also in parts.
I was born & brought about in very securred enviornment with extra special care & so it was like living within group of people nd feeling secured, but that did become a little curse wher other kids proved too gud nd extra smart but evry1 learns their lessons so did I & as we all know that in this world of so much competition u need to be upgraded very soon or in other words need to learn things very quicly or u just remain wher u started from nd those lessons just need to be stored in ur memmory nd u need to create extra space or increase ur body's hard disk capacity tht's wht I realized it ultimately nd life was joyful like never before.
I know this section is little confusing but i wish u know me more through mine ritng so I will leave it to u for tht part.I amm just on my way to rite down all prespects, just imagine nd u will find that topic in mine list for sure...nd this topics r totally being riten by originality remains...c u soon...

Friday, June 8, 2007


I am I & U r U, I like being I & I wish U remain U...coz I can never be U nd U can never be I remain I & U remain U but without forcing others to be U....

As such this post is for describing myself ut does it really matters...coz people who know me from birth still dnt knw me much nd as such even i was unaware of wht I knw about me but ther's time in every1's life when such incidents do happen nd u do get in to know wht u really are....hey dnt consider on gender front...tht evry1 knws wht they r from birth or atleast after reaching smewher near adolescence...hehehe

Let me try out...about hw much I know about me...dnt wry I wnt fekofy...but I amm simple yet sober...born through normal reproduction process..nd I amm normal human being, atleast I think so...I amm mostly in silent zone of coneversations tht's from mine childhood days but I do speak out before few people coz have to...but I like using means other thn verbal conversation or through mouth ...I attach more importance to silent conversations wher ppl can understand each other without much noise(as such noise pollution is on rise so I have a reason to do so...hehehe)...I love to be within group of ppl whtever be it family or friends but both should help u provide u ur individuality tht's important...i love attention but tht's childish part of me..I think it's always good to have ur share of thoughts but it's rather more important to have control over them...I always wish ppl to behave in certain way depending upon situation but tht's from mine point of's fair to let ur emotions out...coz u have nly 1 life to njy it to its limits...compromise forms mine partner in mny things...although its said tht ppl who compromise can never take their decisions but it's better to be flexible atleast when we live in a society...I do lie some time but it's nly for not hurting others & myself..without compromising on former of 2...i love eating...coz it helps u to break down it nly if u have can burn out calories on other front..I have genes for both being a Leo cum cancerian as my birthdate lies on border front of this 2 sun signs,but love to be in leo zone with heart of an cancerian............kkk ....I think I had a decent start...remain updated, I amm still in mine research stage on me nd mny more ther will be loads of things to come...